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Together for Nature, Climate and People

A Partnership Management Plan for the Future

The South Downs National Park is a unique and wonderful place loved and shaped by many people over time. It is home to inspirational landscapes, internationally important wildlife, rich habitats and cultural heritage, and lively market towns and villages.

There are many people who play a role in looking after the National Park. The Partnership Management Plan (PMP)  is a key document that sets out the priorities for the South Downs National Park for the next five years and how we will work together to achieve this shared vision.

The world is facing both climate and nature crises at a time when people have never needed access to green space more. The South Downs National Park is already being impacted and needs an ambitious vision for the next five years to meet these crises and to deliver for nature, climate, people and place.

This is your National Park, and we need your input to decide what the shared priorities for the next five years should be.

Over the coming months there will be different opportunities to get involved. We will keep this page updated with new information throughout the process.

PMP Process Timeline

  • January – March 2025: Work with partners and the public to identify key priorities Draft Plan
  • March – May 2025: Draft Plan
  • June – August 2025: Public and partner consultation on draft plan
  • September – November 2025: Revision and drafting of final plan
  • December 2025: Plan approved by National Park Authority
  • January 2026: Launch of Plan

Find out more about the 2020 – 2025 Partnership Management Plan.